The problem/opportunity: could the conversation around menopause (often seen as a taboo subject) be opened up to a wider audience? Could the tone of menopause awareness and support be made less twee, more punk and - most importantly - more accessible to all ages?
The objective: to reflect the colourful, interesting lives that pre-menopausal and menopausal women have had, and to create an identity that reflects their vivid life experience. The overall aim is to find a way to present information in a way that doesn’t patronise.
The big idea: a weekend-long comedy festival featuring a range of comedians and menopause workshops with the aim of bringing women together with a shared experience of menopause, and pre and peri-menopause, under the brand ‘Shoot the Bull’.
The concept of “Shoot the Bull” came from ideation around the phrase, ‘chewing the fat’. Shooting the bull gives the sense of cutting through the bullsh*t, telling it like it is (which links in with the idea of punk), and the campaign aim of talking to the audience in a non-patronising way.
(NB: Concept work for a student project).